contact us Fill out the Contact Form and one of us will call you Visit us on our social media sites Facebook Instagram Google-plus Twitter Pinterest Check out Capturing Smiles LA on Yelp Call us 1-(626)-708-0493 Email Url First Name * Last Name * Mobile Number * Best Mobile Number to contact you Best Time to contact you * 8am-12pm 12pm-4pm 4pm-8pm Immediately, Im looking to book now Email * Duration of event * 2 minimum hours 3 4 5 6 7 8 Please select Duration of event Event Date * Date of Planned event Number of adults * Package interested in * 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour 5 + hours Please select one or more. Event Address * Please include full address with city and zip code. If there a suite number please include that as well. Red Black and yellow colors for decorations. Comments * Please describe event and or theme of the party. Example: birthday party for 5 yr old Theme is Blaze and The Monster Machines. Red Yellow and black are the Theme Colors Need to make a deposit? We take Venmo as well..... Send Venmo Both fields are required * Note.... All agreed upon deposits are non-refundable*